The customer is the focus for Stockzone Logistics!

You, our customers, are not just a business, for us you are trusted partners with whom we mutually complement and build on in our development.

Our goal is to make you feel comfortable, to offer you flexible solutions and services that will save additional costs and give you more opportunities to focus on the development of your business.

We take care of providing you with suitable spaces in a new modern warehouse, with a perfect location, to ensure that your goods are properly stored and distributed quickly and qualitatively.

Warehousing and Logistics Services

We aim to cover the entire process of storage, handling and delivery of the goods in order to make it as easy as possible for our customers.

Briefly about us

Hello, We at have a short history, but it has moved quickly. In 2023, thanks to our Bulgarian stubbornness, we decided that we have already matured and gained our own experience and can start our business. We entered the already fragmented warehouse logistics market and so began the fight for our piece of the cake.

What do we offer?

We will not concern you with huge fleets, car parks, immeasurable office and warehouse areas. We offer opportunities for successful business. We believe that business is built on trust and partnership.

Three main advantages or why choose StocCkzonE Logistics as your partner?

  1. In order to make it as convenient as possible for our customers, we built the warehouse in an easily and quickly accessible place within the city, next to the only intersection in Sofia, connecting 4 international corridors.
  2. Our main activity is renting pallet spaces for short-term and long-term storage of goods. No matter for what period of time you need our services, to ease your storage costs we offer you free turnover pallets to store your goods for the entire contract period.
  3. We are thinking about reducing your distribution costs as well. We can offer contractually hired means of transport of different capacities (trucks, vans, drop-side cars, etc.) with which we can deliver your goods to any point in the country quickly and without problems.

What our partners say

Работихме със Стозон Логистика само няколко месеца, защото трябваше да наема площи за кратък период от време, но опеределено бих се възползвал от услугите им отново. Фирмата е нова в логистичния сектор, но екипа е на ниво, работят бързо, предлагат адекватни решения и проявяват креативност в критични ситуации.
Желая им успех и да бъдат все така отзивчиви и приятелски настроени към своите клиенти!

Личното отношение на екипа на Стокзон Логистика и готовността им да окажат съдействие винаги по най-добрия начин са нещата, които затвърждават нашето доверие в тях. Радвам се, че можем да работим със Стокзон Логистика като партньор. За нас тази млада компания със сигурност е на правилния път!

Екипът на Стокзон Логистика показва професионализъм и отговорност към поетите ангажименти. Спазват стриктно поставените срокове и изискват същото от своите партньори. Бих препоръчал техните услуги на свои клиенти и партньори.

Работят професионално, бързо и качествено. Екипът им съдейства и подпомага работата ни, като оказва нужната ни помощ, съвет и експертиза.

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